We are big fans of Zumba - it was the first class I decided to offer in South Oxfordshire when I started Gemma Pearce Fitness. Unlike some other exercise styles, it has stood the test of time and is as popular worldwide as it ever was. Why is that?
Zumba is so successful and popular because it simply doesn’t feel like a workout at all! It’s a fun, social dance party and getting fitter is a great perk to it. It’s proven that people who hate their workout or think it’s a chore, don’t progress on their fitness journey as well as those that see exercise as a treat and a way to socialise with friends.
So, fun is the top benefit to Zumba. What other health benefits are there?
1. Zumba tones your whole body – the different dances target different muscle groups so you’ll feel that you’ve achieved a total body workout when you’re done.
2. Zumba is great for weight loss – it’s a powerful exercise that can burn upwards of 600 calories. The happy feeling you get means you’re less likely to reach for unhealthy snacks afterwards too.
3. Zumba keeps your heart healthy – the aerobic exercise raises your heart rate and helps you maintain a tip-top cardiovascular respiratory system.
4. Zumba de-stresses you – with your attention firmly tuned in to the dance moves, you forget your worries for a whole stress-free hour. Exercise also reduces fatigue and improves concentration levels.
5. Zumba improves your co-ordination – your arms and legs move in different directions and the repeated movement over time helps you feel comfortable moving freely with good co-ordination.
6. Zumba makes you happy – endorphins that trigger positive feelings are released into the body when you exercise.
7. Zumba increases confidence – by lowering your inhibitions, improving your posture and toning your body, you’ll stand taller and feel better about yourself.
Many people love the non-judgemental nature of Zumba (and all our classes). It doesn’t matter how good a mover you are or what you look like – everyone is concentrating on the steps and having a good time. Zumba is aimed at everyone, no matter what age, shape, size, gender or fitness level. It doesn’t take long to learn the moves, instructors sometimes go through new steps slowly before a dance but mostly, we just get stuck in!
At Gemma Pearce Fitness, we offer Zumba, Zumba Gold (lower impact and easier to follow) and occasional Family Zumba.
So why not ‘ditch the workout and join the party’?! Our Zumba classes are available online at www.gemmapearcefitness.co.uk