News from Gemma Pearce Fitness!
I hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend and ready for the week ahead! I started my Christmas shopping yesterday but still have some way to go!
Check out my latest blog about low impact exercise, and scroll down for details of the half price deal for our low impact class bundle.
We’ve also got a full timetable of face to face and online classes - take a look below for details of classes with spaces available.
Have a great week and see you soon!
Love Gemma x
PS I have a Black Friday sale ready for my Online Membership plus check out the website bookings page for a discount on January Zumba, Zumba Gold, Groovelates and Gold Aerobics classes!
This Week’s Blog
Low impact doesn’t mean low intensity
This week's timetable

Book a place here
Exercising with bad knees or hips?

50% Off Low Impact Class Bundle
Low impact aerobics and some low impact interval classes. Perfect if you have bad knees or hips but still want to work hard! Walk to the Beat HIIT – 28 mins Disco Low Impact Aerobics – 38 mins Low Impact Aerobics – 23 mins Beginners LIIT – 29 mins
Something exciting is coming…

Find out more about our online exercise classes and face to face fitness classes in Didcot & Abingdon at
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Interested in our Retired & Fitter classes for over 65s? Find out more here - and find us on instagram here:
By participating in this exercise or exercise programme, you are declaring yourself to be physically sound and suffering from no impairment, disease or infirmity or other illness that would prevent your participation in live streamed fitness classes or activities. You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you are unsure about your suitability for this exercise, please refer to your GP. You hereby assume all responsibility for your participation and activities.