As everyone probably knows, last year I recruited a new member to the Gemma Pearce Fitness team in the form of my beautiful baby daughter, Lucy! Keen to get back to work and back into shape after having Lucy, I was a bit disappointed with the information available to new Mums about postnatal exercise – what is allowed? Is it dangerous to exercise too soon? Can I damage myself?! The main advice given was to ‘take it easy’ and ‘listen to my body’ which is all well and good. But having received the all clear at my 6 week check, I found that there were plenty of opportunities to chat and eat cake with other new Mums (which of course I love to do!) but there was a distinct lack of anything physical locally. There must be something that can be done to fill this void, I thought. I had already completed my Level 3 qualification in Exercise for Pre and Post Natal Exercise during my pregnancy but I really wanted to find out more, so I enrolled myself on an even more advanced course on Postnatal Assessment and Core Restore, studying the course videos during Lucy’s nap times. As a way to help other fitness-minded Mums in the area, I’m delighted to introduce Buggy Fitness in Didcot – a safe postnatal exercise class for Mums with babies and toddlers in a buggy. Buggy Fitness sessions in Didcot take place in a park and includes power walking, cardio and strength exercises. Suitable for all fitness levels and perfect for post 6 week (8-12 weeks for C-section) Mums who want to get out and about, meet other Mums, up their Vitamin D intake and start the journey of getting fitter again. Some Mums struggle to get back to the fitness classes they attended before their baby was born – there’s the childcare issue and with different routines, evening classes can be too tiring. Buggy Fitness takes care of that as you bring your baby with you (they enjoy being outside and zooming around with lots to watch) and classes take just an hour during the daytime.
Get in touch for more info