It’s hard to believe but we’re over half way through the year, which means we’re closer to next Christmas than last Christmas!
Looking back through the last six months, I’m amazed at what I’ve achieved – I’ve got back to work after having my lovely Lucy last October, I’ve started Buggyfit in Didcot and Wantage to help other new mums get active and have fun, I’ve grown our team of wonderful fitness teachers and I’ve started getting back in shape.
So this is a great time to assess your half-year achievements, where you’re at now and plan what’s next on your fitness and health journey. Do you feel like you’re on the right path? Have you managed to stick to your plan or have you deviated and ‘fallen off the wagon’?
If you feel you’re off track and will miss your goals, there’s still time to get back to where you need to be, you may need to adjust the plan in order to get there. Maybe you’ve decided that your goal was unrealistic – readjusting that goal is not failing, it gives you something more attainable to work towards.
So whether your goal is to reduce your dress size, run a 10K race or climb the stairs without getting breathless, it’s time to celebrate your progress, evaluate where you are right now and start a half-year action plan to help you succeed. Here are a few tips:
Goals that are S.M.A.R.T. (Smart, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Driven) work best.
Write your goals down and put them somewhere you'll see them every day, like the bathroom mirror or your computer screen.
Share your goals with your friends and family and us!
Reassess your goals regularly to check your progress (every 4 to 6 weeks).
Mix it up to stay focussed – vary your exercise with a swim or a brisk walk along with your classes.
Whatever you do, don’t beat yourself up if you feel you are not going to achieve your goal, adjust your path to stay motivated and above all, have fun! We achieve so much more when we enjoy what we do!
Want to try something new, check out our wide range of classes