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The lowdown on Pilates and why I love it

Updated: Aug 31, 2021

1. Pilates is all about core strength – working on the deep, internal muscles of the abdomen and back. When the core muscles are strong and doing their job right, they work with other muscles in your trunk to support the spine and movement. Pilates can really help people with back problems by stabilising the trunk and relieving pressure on the back.

2. Centre, Control, Flow, Breath, Precision and Concentration – it’s all about quality, not quantity in Pilates, using these six key ingredients. We don’t do lots of repetition for each move but we concentrate on doing each exercise precisely and fully, which produces better results in a shorter time.

3. A unique and complete way to exercise – other types of exercise such as weight training can put too much strain on certain areas and even swimming and running can feel too focussed on legs and arms. By working on your core, Pilates really complements other exercise types and will help you improve strength in your arms and legs too.

4. No equipment, just a mat – Pilates is mostly done on the floor so a mat or towel is required. Some advanced classes use equipment to increase the resistance from your body weight but this isn’t necessary at first.

5. Non-aerobic exercise – just because Pilates isn’t an aerobic, cardio exercise programme, don’t be tricked into thinking it’s easy or not demanding! The workout is low-impact but makes you stronger by engaging your muscles in a gentle way, using your body weight to boost your flexibility and joint mobility.

Tempted, but nervous about committing to a class? Does your work or family schedule mean that you’re struggling to fit in an exercise class? Our online Pilates classes can be done wherever and whenever it suits you. Find out more at

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